Food Battles and How to Overcome Them Calmly.
Frequently I’m asked: What do I do about food for my young child? They are so fussy and won’t eat. It’s such a battle….
Young children refusing to eat food, and parents getting stressed about whether the child is getting enough – bet you’ve all been there… I know I have!
I’m a firm believer that most of the issues parents have re a child’s behaviour is linked to their stage of development (the child’s… not the parents!!) So, let’s look at it from a developmental point of view.
Around 14 months of age is when children learn to say, or indicate, the word: ‘no’. They will push away the bottle or spoon and refuse to take more. This is the beginning of their ability to make choices, and that’s a good thing. It is the beginning of their move toward independence. Children need to learn to make choices. And, just like us, sometimes they make ‘good’ choices and other times not. It is only though trial and error that we learn. Read more