The Parenting Café 2017
Welcome back. Well, after a Summer (here in Australia) sojourn for the Christmas and holiday break, we are ready for sharing with you again.
As some of you have become new subscribers to our newsletter over the past year, and some read the information via facebook, I thought I’d take the opportunity to introduce myself, and explain what we offer at The Parenting Cafe.
Basically parents are seeking information about their children and about parenting. They do this either because they are information gatherers, or because they feel they have a ‘problem’ or an ‘issue’ with their child and are seeking information, advice and support.
This is perfect… as that’s exactly what we do!
For over 3 years now The Parenting Café (and for 3 years previous to that under another business name) we have provided written information about Child Development, early literacy, brain development, and helped parents effectively manage issues around sleep, feeding, toilet learning and tantrums – to name just a few!
If you are wondering if this might be of value to you, you can read some of the testimonials from happy parents here
We also have supplied for free, weekly articles which share practical ways of managing the challenges of parenting, and information about the developing child and their needs. Often when parents understand what is happening developmentally for their child, then they see that what they thought of as a ‘problem’ is actually quite ‘normal’ for the age – an example would be 2 ½ year old tantrums. Once parents realise that it is ‘normal’ then we can together work on the best way to help the child learn what they need to know/ do at that time. This leads to empowered parents and more settled children as their needs are being met.
If you would like to receive these free weekly articles you can subscribe here.
The articles will recommence next Monday 23rd January 2017.
So, what do I know about parenting, and early childhood? My first introduction was as an Infants school teacher, which I did for 20 years, and loved it! During that time I also became a Mother to 3 wonderful children (all terrific adults now). I then became a Parenting Consultant for the NSW Dept of Education working with new parents from pregnancy to age 5 sharing with them information about development, play, attachment, and activities. Parents received monthly home visits, so each session was very individualized for that child.
Six years ago I established my own business to offer these services to parents. I still offer this today, and parents find it very reassuring to know their child is developing on track, and to hear of how they can continue to help their child to grow well and learn. This is often particularly so with parents who return to work when their children/ babies are young, and so they can’t attend sessions provided in their local community centres or go to playgroup where they mingle with other parents of the same aged children and share stories. Home visits can be arranged in evenings or weekends to suit the needs of the families.
If you are not in southern Tasmania, Skype ‘home visits’ can be arranged.
Another service provided is the Dunstan Baby Language (DBL) – which I would love all parents of newborns to have access to. It teaches parents how to correctly identify the sounds newborns make to tell us when they are hungry, have wind or are tired. Knowing this dramatically reduces stress in both the baby and the parents. Currently I am the only registered DBL Educator in Tasmania.
I’ve been a Parenting Consultant now for 16 years and estimate that I have worked with over 750 families during that time.
I love what I do. I love that I can help you the parents to make your parenting job easier and happier. Children are precious, and parenting is so much easily when we really understand children.
If you’d like to chat, contact me at
Happy Parenting!