Remember to Play
As parent, there are a swag of ‘jobs’ that come with parenting… additional washing, cooking, cleaning, breast or bottle feeding, settling the baby, working through bed-time routines, sibling rivalry, introducing solids, solving problems, answering questions, reading to them, tidying up, talking with them…. and a hundred more jobs…
It’s no wonder that parenting is a tiring job.
In no other role are you on call 24/7, receive no set breaks and get no pay for your work!
Sometimes as parents we get so caught up in all that must be done… that we actually forget the most important thing… the little people around us!
These children didn’t come to us to be ‘chores’. Yes, caring for them can be time consuming and exhausting, but that’s not what they see…. Children see YOU and want to be with you, being part of whatever you are doing. I’m talking about young children here, not teenagers…. that’s a story for another day! Read more